"Kadimi in a rare and moving performance, touches on nuances, directs himself with precision, and remains collected in a way which empowers the experience. His Mania is falling apart. The words of her room are her grave, and the words of her goodbye are taken from her nightmares which never cease to reappear in her dreams every night since then." - Yael Efrati, TIME OUT, Tel Aviv
"Kadimi's pure essence is revealed on stage in an incredible performance he has created and turned into a medium in a convincing, authentic monologue, devoid of Irony. He has brought a testimony of Auschwitz from a character to whose story and inner truth he is entirely devoted, and authentically connected.
Dr. Hanna Yablonka – from her book "Far Away from the Rail Tracks"
"Knowledge is responsibility. The more one knows and learns, the more responsibility one has towards his surroundings and towards the people around him…. Your gift of humanity and uniqueness highlights your professional qualifications as an actor, play-write and artist. I was deeply impressed with the educational challenge you have taken upon yourself to contribute in an experiential way to immortalizing the memory of the holocaust – all power to you!"
Dr. Avi Zifroni, Director of Value Based Education Department – Ort Israel
"The play' Mania' has left its mark on all of its viewers. The way in which Mania has revealed herself to the audience touched the hearts of the audience. It was impossible to ignore her, her words, her gestures and her struggle. We thank you for the important, sacred work that you are performing and for the responsibility you pass on to your audience to remember a dying generation. You are endowed with a special gift, a rare and blessed talent, and indeed you have also taken upon yourself this worthy and most important mission. All power to you."
Maggie Zlivensky, Blich High school, Ramat Gan
"The uniqueness of the play lies in the fact that Shay succeeds in playing the character of a Holocaust survivor. The day when Holocaust survivors are no more able to tell their story is not far from us already, which makes Shay's role in this play, which is running for over a decade, an important part in the history of social and cultural education. We highly recommend the play to all schools, since you were able to move us greatly – students and teachers alike."
Menachem Tzruya, Director of Naamat School
"Shay kadimi sensitively and realistically conveys Mania's inexplicable feelings, thoughts and behavior to teenagers and their parents. The discussion held with the audience after the play, and the personal story, which drove Shay to this project, fascinated us all. Shay is able to convey to the audience the responsibility to continue to make this story heard, through a dramatic, educational and social experience."
Rotem Druker, Community and Content Management - Merav Community Centre, Hof HaCarmel
"Shay's theatrical adaptation of the four testaments has created a fascinating show, which grabs the audience by its throat. Shay's incredible ability to walk into a tragic character, and give that character such a tangible presence, make us hope that The Ministry of Education chooses to bring the play to all high school students in Israel. The play is truly an educational event, eloquently and tastefully made, with tenderness of heart, and with the precise amount of dramatic effect. It is truly a social and artistic achievement."
Alice Blitental, Tzomet HaMuzot, Yediot Aharonot Newspaper.
"I would like to thank you on behalf of the officers and lieutenants of Tel-Aviv district Police, for your important contribution to the memory and remembrance of our Jewish heritage and the holocaust. The play was fascinating, and moving, and raised many positive responses from the officers who watched it. The audience had a touching, overwhelming and unique experience, which communicated the remembrance of the holocaust through a personal experience, and all thanks to your unique and brilliant acting abilities.
Aharon Aksol, Deputy Commissioner, Tel-Aviv District, Israel Police
"I believe I was fortunate enough to meet with the impossible in the play "Mania." Shay Kadimi, a young and most talented actor created an emotion-stirring, and thought provoking evening. It was a stunning experience, remarkable and painful. I urge you to see the play "Mania" as a teacher, an educator, a Poland tour guide and as a citizen of the state of Israel."
Nava Farber
"The subject matter of the play is loaded, complex and painful. Shay's talent and his devotion to the play enables him to move the audience to tears. The show teaches and touches the heart, and every word said on stage leaves the audience with a mark that stays long after the play ends."
Haviv Ne'eman, The Education Wing, Tel-Aviv Municipality
"The play and the meeting with the actor at the end was extremely successful! The students were riveted, and by the end of the play a fascinating discussion was formed. The play is moving and captivating. It allows young students to meet with the personal story of holocaust survivors who are an inseparable part of all layers of Israeli Society. I highly recommend watching the play."
Dr. Zeevik Greenberg, Student Dean, Tel-Hai College
"Another memory – after acting in the TV series 'HaAlufa', Shay Kadimi continues to stir emotions in the image of Mania – a holocaust survivor. No eye was left dry in the audience."
Yonatan Estherkin – Culture Section, Ma'ariv Newspaper
“Very moving!! High school teachers should watch this play with their students. Kadimi’s acting is real and moving, and holds incredible educational value. This is a different kind of theatre, important theatre, that reminds us in a touching, moving and unique way of the holocaust’s unfathomable moments.”
Ben Ami Feingold, “The Watcher”
“I was so moved when I watched you, both for the character you play, but also for the impressive acting. No less moving was our enormous excitement to hear your own personal story at the end of the play, and to see the force of your impact on the minds and souls of young students, as you explain to them their role in keeping the memories alive for the next generations. We wish you much strength and success in all your future doings!”
H. Abramovich – Holocaust Survivor, 2010.
“Not every day you get the chance to meet with an artwork that reflects a value that is valuable to you in your life. Not every day are you exposed to something that shakes your foundations, stops your soul, and tells you to start thinking differently. Today, I was exposed to a shocking, enlightening, different, real, moving and horrifying play that touches you at the tips of your nerves: this entire phenomenon is weaved into an artistic performance in the image of Shay Kadimi In his play, “Mania.” To see how a play is woven together from different life stories of holocaust survivors that Shay took upon himself as his life project, served to the audience as an image of a war we are not accustomed to see. This show must be a part of every school’s cultural events program in Israel’s education system. It is a must watch for every teacher, educator and whoever considers himself to be part of the education system. The messages that come out in the discussion that follows the play: Zionism as an existing fact, alive and kicking and a realism to be proud of. I do not know in which other framework we could have been exposed to such high level and such a personality.”
Uzi Eliezer Prat, High Education Accessibility, Kiriyat Gat
“The story is heart wrenching, and the acting is brilliant. The moment of Shay’s revelation as himself, the taking off of the mask, is such a dramatic moment, which holds intense stage presence, and which completes the entire session.”
Ravit Saadon, Teacher, Mekif Z. High School, Beer Sheva.